The goal of the work of the research group INTRA is presented in the section ”Program statement”.
2021 Autumn
The work with writing a new research application for The Research Council of Norway is initiated.
For our application, we are searching for collaboration partners in Norway that are interested in becoming a part of our research interventions and to contribute with a setting for implementation.
Matter as Creative Agency – Formations in New Materialist Intramodal Pedagogy
Under 2020 the Research Group INTRA applied for financing of an extensive research project at The Research Council of Norway within their FINNUT-programme (Programme for Research and Innovation in the Educational Sector) on the topic “Education and Competence: Learning Proceses, Assessment Forms, and Learning Outcomes”.
Rejection letter
Our application got rejected in December of 2020. Because of all the work we put into our application and our intentions to continue working with it, we fully present it here, including the rejection letter, for those that are interested in following this process.