Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
Voice artist, PhD in Performance in Theatre and Music Drama (2011), existential counsellor and priest candidate (Diocese of Gothenburg, The Church of Sweden, 2021)
mobile: +46-0708-433260
e-mail: elibelgrano@mac.com

Munir Dag
Munir Dag is a social worker and docent of social work. Since 2012, he is employed as a university lecturer of social work at Mälardalen University. His current research primarily explores three subject areas (I) research about the life situation of persons with disabilities, focusing on the labour market, (II) research about employment agents’ perspectives of persons with disabilities and (III) research about the technics’ and ICT’s importance for persons with disabilities.
e-mail: munir.dag@mdh.se

Cecila Nahnfeldt
Cecilia Nahnfelt, senior researcher at the unit for research and analysis within The Church of Sweden, and scientific leader at the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society, Uppsala University. Cecilia disputed 2006 in religious studies at Karlstad University. She is docent in gender studies and has written about vocation, gender and working life. She works both with hermeneutic methods, qualitative analyses and with ethnographic methods. In the recent years, she has also worked with a Nordic project about migration and hospitality, as well as studies of social innovations in the civil society, with a special focus on the parishes of The Church of Sweden. Cecilia was ordained in 1991 and has worked in parish in close collaboration with the local society.
My voice:
”Intra intrigues my scientific curiosity, partly because of the applications of Expressive arts, which I have met in the work with people within parishes, partly as a multiscientific forum for questions about the encounters human being/human being (inter-relations), but also human being/matter (intra-relations). In the project I have worked within during the last years, these aspect have continuously emerged and challenged me towards renewed reflection as a researcher”.
Ongoing projects: https://www.ltu.se/research/subjects/Industriell-design/Forskningsprojekt/Innovativ-inkludering-i-den-ideella-sektorns-arbetsliv-1.188789
New book 31 of may 2021:
E-MAIL: cecilia.nahnfeldt@svenskakyrkan.se
TELEPHONE DIRECT: +4618-169480 MOBILE: +46 72-5571897

Anne B. Reinertsen
Anne B. Reinertsen is professor in philosophy of education and post-qualitative research methodologies. She has worked as teacher, teacher educator and leader. Her research interests are subjective professionalism, leadership, materiality of language, new configurations of research methodologies and slow scholarship. She has a particular interest in speculative ethics and to critically self-challenge traditional notions of “data” as interpretive and critically engage in performative affective, material, artistic, feminist, posthumanisms experiences where participants can experience notions of acquiring some form(s) of agency, questioning attitudes, political sense of events, or experiences and empathy for others. The challenge is to engage theory within actual experiences and articulate learnings as meanings and as questions or issues. The challenge is also to articulate concerns or meanings of certain experiences as performances. Anne has been visiting scholar at Stanford University and University of Illinois, USA. Her publications include national and international books, journals and book chapters.
Mail anne.b.reinertsen@hiof.no
Julia Romanowska
Julia Romanowska has a Master of Fine Art and Music Education Degree at Royal Collage of Music in Stockholm. She has played percussion with Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, The Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, at Stockholm City Theatre and the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. Julia disputed in 2014 at Karolinska Institutet with the dissertation ”Improving Leadership Through the Power of Words and Music”, in which she developed an experimental method for leadership development called the schibboleth-concept. She has researched at Karolinska Institutet about the psychological and health-related effects of the method on leaders and their co-workers. She has also worked as a management- and organisation consult, consulting manager, business analyst, method developer, programmer and leadership developer.

Per Espen Stoknes
“Per Espen Stoknes, PhD, is an eco-psychologist, author, and economist working closely with organizational and business leaders throughout Scandinavia and the European Union. He is ass. Professor at the Norwegian Business School and is director for its Center for Sustainability and Energy, having received several “Best Professor” awards for his original teaching style.
His book What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming, got American Libraries Association’s “Outstanding Academic Title” award for 2015 (top 25 list out of ~7000 titles). His latest book is Tomorrow’s Economy on MIT Press.
Educated as a psychologist at the University of Oslo with additional studies at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich, Per Espen supplemented this with extensive studies in organizational theory, philosophy and mythology. Deeply influenced by the radical Jungian psychologist James Hillman, Per Espen has worked both as a clinical psychologist and organizational psychologist, bringing imagination and creative expression into these spheres. He also teaches on expressive arts, phenomenology and the soul at the European Graduate School during summer seminars, and regularly at the expressive arts therapy and coaching-masters at University College of SouthEast Norway.
A popular speaker throughout Scandinavia and Europe, Per Espen lives in central Oslo. But he heads off to mountains or to his forest cabin in order to dwell and get awe-struck as often as occasion allows.”

Lena Talman
Lena Talman is a lecturer in social work and disputed 2018 with the dissertation”Participation in Everyday Life for Adults with Profound Intellectual (and Multiple) Disabilities”. She is rooted in behavioural science with a focus on social care, and she has a MA in disability research. She is also a trained IT pedagogue and has worked several years as a teacher. She has previously worked with research and development at R&D in Sörmland and is currently employed as a lecturer/head of department at the department of social work at Mälardalen University. Her current research examines the societal participation of people with disabilities, on the one hand, and crime prevention work and work with increasing integration in so called problem areas, on the other.
Mail lena.talman@mdh.se Tel 016-15 32 58
Dan Tedenljung
Lecturer of pedagogy, Mälardalen University. Dan Tedenljung teaches pedagogy and conducts research about children with special needs, focusing on diabetes type 1, meta-reseach (i.e. research about research) and multimodal methods within higher education.
Mail dan.tedenljung@mdh.se
Töres Theorell
Physician and professor emeritus at Karolinska Institutet, connected to the Stress Research Institute at Stockholms University and Royal College of Music.