Writing Series E focuses on practical implementations of EXA in line with the ambitions of the Research Group INTRA. |
- E1 The Development Work SKAPA. Final Report
- E2 SKAPA-stories. Immersion – Encyclopedia.
- E3 Concept SKAPA. A Guide to Image Work
- E4 10 Years with SKAPA. A Work in Ansgar Church Eskilstuna Pastorate 2005–2015

Utvecklingsarbetet SKAPA. Slutrapport
(transl. The Development Work SKAPA. Final Report) 2012.
Eskilstuna: Eskilstuna Församling.
This report is only available in Swedish. SKAPA – final report is the formal report on the development project SKAPA (transl. CREATE) and its three-yearlong project period (2009–2012) that was conducted with financial support from the Swedish Church on a national level. The development work SKAPA ran as a whole during the period of ten years (2005–2015). In the report, the different parts of the work are briefly presented. This presentation is mixed with contributions in the form of narratives from active participants. The work contains the four parts education, a widely and locally anchored work, diaconia, in the encounter with people participating in the local work but also by assignment from school and social service, external educational contributions in collaboration with Mälardalen University and Strängnäs Diocese, among others, and support for participant-controlled “project within the project”.

SKAPA berättelser. Fördjupning – uppslagsverk. Bilaga till utvecklingsarbetet SKAPA slutrapport
(transl. SKAPA-stories. Immersion – Encyclopedia. Appendix to the Development Work SKAPA Final Report).
2012, Eskilstuna: Eskilstuna Församling.
This appendix is only available in Swedish. On nearly 300 pages, the reader is invited to an immersion of the development work SKAPA (transl. CREATE), in all of its different parts, as they where expressed during the 10 years (2005–2015) that the work was conducted. Here, we present different forms of contributions, such as “Skaparkväll” (trans. “Creativity Evening”), a way of working that constituted the hub of the development work. Furthermore, “Tisdagskväll” (transl. “Tuesday Evening”), Freiregruppen (transl. “The Freire Group”), Musikens roll (transl. “The Role of the Music”) and inner guided music journeys, collaborations with Mälardalen University that led to educational contributions with social worker students, internal further training within the pastorate and confirmation teaching. Furthermore, the social and diaconal work, such as crisis work regarding youth suicides, support for children, youths, young adults and refugees in different forms, and contributions at the open preschool. Here, we also find examples of working with church service and theological reflection. As a consistent denominator in all of the parts of the work is the implementation of EXA.

Koncept SKAPA. En guide till bildarbete
(transl. Concept SKAPA. A Guide to Image Work)
(with Pers Karin Skogar. Flemingsberg: Flemingsbergs församling).
This guide is only available in Swedish. What is presented here builds upon ten years of experience of development work within Eskilstuna Pastorate. This presentation contains a summarization of our intentions with “Koncept SKAPA” (transl. “The Concept CREATE), a concise description, theoretical and philosophical foundation for the work, and a concrete and detailed guide for projects focusing on images and image work. Would the work be reduced solely to a technique and a method, we lose depth and meaning. In Eskilstuna, this work was called “Skaparkväll” (transl. “Creativity Evening”).

10 år med SKAPA. Ett arbete I Ansgarskyrkan Eskilstuna Församling 2005–2015
(transl. 10 Years with SKAPA. A Work in Ansgar Church Eskilstuna Pastorate 2005–2015)
This text is only available in Swedish. Expressive Arts is a method where people meet in communication through different ways of expression, such as images, music, movement, poetry. In the process, dialogue and interaction also plays an important role. Here, we summarize and add to E:2. Primarily, we provide material on the book project that was conducted by several participants, the attendance at the Easter celebration where the Easter week was formed in a special way, the interactive performances in the form of “travels” that were offered every high school class, and education of “table theatre” with the help of wooden figures – a work that was called “How to talk to children”, which was offered employees of the pastorate. When different expressions encounters, something new emerges, and a way forward is created, new perspectives, an enriching opening of worlds. In the genuine encounter, distance is bridged and a growing happens. Expressive Arts as an area of expertise has been brought to Eskilstuna Pastorate and contributes to other competence profiles. It was brought within a long-term development work called SKAPA (transl. CREATE). SKAPA is, since 2006, a part of the work that is done by Eskilstuna Pastorate. During a three-yearlong period, April 2009–June 2012, the work was supported with additional resources, about two million Swedish crowns, from the Swedish Church central. Today, SKAPA lives on in Eskilstuna Pastorate, partly as a specific work placed in Ansgar Church, partly as an all the more integrated part of the whole work of the pastorate. How this is expressed is described in the following. Below follows a description of the work, as it looks today, but also seen from a historical perspective from 2006. Near the end of the document, there is a story from one of our participants. Here, the significance of the encounter with the church and the Christian faith is put forward. This will be an example that represents several participants of the Eskilstuna pastorate as it works through SKAPA.